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Endoscopic vs Open Carpal Tunnel Surgery

When a patient is planning to under carpal tunnel surgery, there are several types of surgeries available. These include traditional open release, mini-open release, and endoscopic release. Hand surgeons continue to debate the pros and cons of each technique. The various techniques have been compared in scientific studies, and the long-term results and complication rates […]

Update on DeQuervain’s Tendonitis

DeQuervain’s tendonitis is a common tendinopathy causing function-limiting pain on the radial aspect of the wrist involving the extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) and abductor pollicis longus (APL) tendons of the thumb. The condition receives its eponym from the Swiss physician Fritz DeQuervain who described several cases of “washerwoman’s sprain” in the late-1800s. The condition has […]

Broken Wrist Treatment in Raleigh, NC

If you recently hurt your wrist and the emergency room or urgent care doctor told you that you broke a bone in your wrist, I am sure that you have a lot of questions. While you are waiting for your follow-up appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, you may be wondering several things including: do I […]

Extensor Tendon Injury Treatment

The extensor tendons of the hand are important parts of our normal hand function. These tendons work together to straighten, or extend, the fingers. Each finger is controlled by at least one extensor tendon (EDC tendons) which begins as a strong muscle in the forearm. The index and small fingers often have an additional extensor […]

Planning for your surgery

Before surgery: Ask questions before surgery and make sure you understand: (1) your diagnosis, (2) the planned surgical procedure, (3) recovery process, and (4) possible complications. Write a list of your questions or concerns. Please provide out office with a list of your current medications, doses, medical allergies, previous surgeries, and problems with anesthesia. Wash […]

What is a skier’s thumb?

With the weather turning cold and the winter approaching, many people ask “what is a skier’s thumb”? A skier’s thumb refers to an acute injury to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of the thumb metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint. This often occurs from a sudden, forceful deviation of the thumb, such as when the thumb is bent […]

Cost Effective Care at Raleigh Hand Center

The cost of medical care has increased significantly in the United States in recent years. Due to changes in health insurance plans, many patients are now responsible for paying a larger portion of the cost associated with the treatment they receive. Raleigh Hand Center physicians are aware of the financial burden of medical expenses for […]

Symptoms of a broken finger

If you recently injured your finger and are wondering if it is broken, the best thing to do is get an x-ray to find out. You can get x-rays in your physician’s office, urgent care, or local emergency room. Many breaks or fractures in the fingers can be misdiagnosed as “just a sprain” or a […]

What does arthritis look like on x-rays?

Arthritis is typically diagnosed on x-rays. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and is related to wear-and-tear processes, genetics, injuries, and it is a normal part of the aging process. An arthritis joint will demonstrate narrowing of the space between the bones as the cartilage thins, bone spurs on the edges of […]

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome commonly report numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand and fingers. The thumb, index, and middle fingers are usually affected the most. Some patients notice that the hand feels cold, swollen, “asleep” or describe “poor circulation” in the fingers. Symptoms can awaken patients at night with “pins and needles” pain […]