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Dr John Erickson returns from Leon, Nicaragua mission trip

Dr. George S. Edwards, III and Dr. John M. Erickson of Raleigh Hand Center returned from their Nicaraguan mission trip. The physicians traveled with the Raleigh-based organization COAN (Cooperacion Ortopedica Americano Nicaraguense) to deliver orthopedic care to patients in Leon, Nicaragua. They also provided lectures to orthopedic residents and medical students during teaching conferences and […]

Mommy’s Wrist — Tendonitis Common in Mothers

What is Mommy’s Wrist? Mommy’s wrist is a term for DeQuervain’s tendonitis, a type of painful tendonitis common in mothers of young children. This causes pain on the thumb side of the wrist, worse with movement of the thumb. Opening jars, turning door knobs, and caring for the young child can be difficult. Symptoms arise […]

Dr Erickson discusses Dupuytren’s Contracture treatment

Dr. John Erickson of Raleigh Hand Center discussed Dupuytren’s Contracture treatment at the UNC orthopedic hand conference on August 14, 2017. Dr. Erickson offers 3 types of procedures for Dupuytrens patients: needle aponeurotomy, Xiaflex injections, and Dupuytrens fasciectomy surgery. He also uses Kenalog steroid injections for early Dupuytrens nodules prior to joint contracture formation. Here is […]

Broken Wrist Treatment at Raleigh Hand Center

If you recently hurt your wrist and the emergency room or urgent care doctor told you that you broke a bone in your wrist, I am sure that you have a lot of questions. While you are waiting for your follow-up appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, you may be wondering several things including: do I […]

How do I know if my finger is broken?

If you recently injured your finger and are wondering if it is broken, the best thing to do is get an x-ray to find out. You can get x-rays in your physician’s office, urgent care, or local emergency room. Many breaks or fractures in the fingers can be misdiagnosed as “just a sprain” or a […]

Smartphone Tendonitis, An Emerging Problem

Recent advances in technology have changed our lives dramatically, in many ways for the better. Increasingly, people are using their electronic mobile devices to stay connected to the digital world. However, overuse of hand-held devices can lead to unintended problems involving the hand, wrist, and arm. High demands are placed on the thumbs and wrists […]

Awake Hand Surgery in Raleigh, NC

Awake Hand Surgery If you need hand surgery, consider having your surgery performed without going to sleep. Traditional hand surgery is performed with a tourniquet on the arm to control bleeding, often with intravenous (IV) sedation anesthesia. For many procedures, this is the preferred approach. However, more and more patients can now be treated with […]

Fingertip Injury Treatment

Injuries to the fingertips are very common. The injury can range in severity from a minor laceration to a complete amputation and can occur from a misplaced hammer strike, a crush in a car door, or a laceration from a sharp object. The fingertips are critical for hand function, as they are highly specialized parts […]

Tennis Elbow Treatment and Home Exercises

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a painful and very common elbow problem. Tennis elbow is caused by wear and tear degeneration within the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) tendon on the outside of the elbow. Despite the name, tennis elbow is not just limited to tennis players. Tennis elbow is often diagnosed in healthy patients […]

Smartphone Tendonitis, An Emerging Problem

Recent advances in technology have changed our lives dramatically, in many ways for the better. Increasingly, people are using their electronic mobile devices to stay connected to the digital world. However, overuse of hand-held devices can lead to unintended problems involving the hand, wrist, and arm. High demands are placed on the thumbs and wrists […]