There are three main options for Dupuytrens contractures in the hand: collagenase injections, needle aponeurotomy, and Dupuytrens fasciectomy surgery. Most patients request non-surgical treatments, if possible, since the recovery is much quicker. However, not all patients are candidates for the non-surgical treatments. How long is the recovery after surgery? The incisions take 2-3 weeks to heal. Wound care and hand therapy are started within the first week after surgery. Most patients regain range of motion of their fingers within 4-6 weeks following surgery. Hand therapists teach the patient exercises, which are performed by the patient at home several times during the day. Grip strength is usually back to normal around 8 weeks following surgery. Hand swelling and scar tissue gradually improve over time. Many patients are back to light duty work within 2 weeks and back to golfing and forceful hand activities within 6 weeks of surgery. Patients with multiple finger involvement or severe contractures can take longer. I recommend night splinting the fingers for 3-6 months post-surgery.