NameCPT descriptionCode
Carpal Tunnel ReleaseNeuroplasty median nerve at carpal tunnel64721
Trigger Finger ReleaseTendon sheath incision26055
Mucous Cyst ExcisionExcision lesion tendon sheath or joint capsule, hand or finger26160
Mass excisionsExcision tumor soft tissue or vascular lesion, less than 1.5 cm, subQ26115
Less than 1.5 cm, deep, subfascial, intramuscular26116
1.5 cm or greater, subQ26111
 1.5 cm or greater, deep, subfascial, intramuscular26113
Digital Nerve repairSuture of digital nerve, hand64831
Suture of digital nerve, each additional nerve64832
Nerve repair common sensorySuture of common sensory nerve, hand64834
Nerve repair with allograftNerve repair with nerve allograft64912
Nerve repair with tubeNerve repair with synthetic conduit64910
Nerve autograftNerve graft, includes obtaining graft, hand, up to 4 cm64890
Neuroma excisionExcision of neuroma, digital nerve64776
Excision of neuroma, cutaneous nerve64774
Dupuytren’s surgeryFasciectomy, palm only26121
Fasciectomy release of single digit including PIP jt26123
Fasciectomy, each additional digit26125
Fasciotomy, percutaneous (needle app)26040
Flexor Tendon RepairsRepair flexor tendon, within Zone 2, each tendon26356
Repair flexor tendon, NOT in Zone 226350
Repair of FDP with intact FDS26370
Hunter rod insertionExcision flexor tendon, implantation of synthetic rod for delayed graft26390
Extensor tendon RepairsExtensor tendon repair in hand26410
Extensor tendon repair in hand with free graft26412
Extensor tendon repair in finger26418
Repair of central slip using local tissue (boutonniere)26426
Repair of distal insertion of extensor tendon (mallet)26433
EDC tendon stabilizationRealignment of extensor tendon, hand26437
TenolysisTenolysis flexor tendon palm OR finger26440
Tenolysis flexor tendon, palm AND finger26442
Tenolysis extensor tendon, hand OR finger26445
Tenolysis complex extensor tendon, including forearm26449
CapsulotomyCapsulotomy MP joint, digit26520
Capsulotomy interphalangeal joint26525
CapsulodesisCapsulodesis MP joint, digit26516
Extensor Tendon TransferTransfer of tendon, CMC area or dorsal hand, without free graft26480
Flexor Tendon TransferTransfer of tendon, palmar, without free graft26485
Claw finger correctionTransfer of tendon to restore intrinsic function; ring and small fingers26497
FDS tenodesisTenodesis PIP joint, each26471
Tendon ExcisionExcision of tendon palm, extensor or flexor26170
Excision of tendon finger, extensor or flexor26180
Thumb UCL repairRepair of collateral ligament, MP or IP joint26540
Thumb UCL reconstructionReconstruction collateral ligament MP joint, tendon graft26541
Foreign Body ExcisionIncision and removal of FB, subQ, simple10120
Incision and removal of FB, subQ, complicated10121
Removal of FB in muscle or tendon sheath, simple20520
Removal of FB in muscle, tendon sheath, deep or complicated20525
Hardware removalRemoval of implant, superficial20670
Removal of implant, deep20680
Abscess I&DIncision and drainage of abscess, complicated 10061
Drainage of finger abscess, simple26010
Drainage of finger abscess, complicated26011
Flexor sheath infection I&DDrainage of tendon sheath, digit and/or palm26020
Deep space infection I&DDrainage of palmar bursa26025
Hematoma I&DIncision and drainage of hematoma, seroma10140
Post Op Wound I&DIncision and drainage complex, post-op wound infection10180
Arthrotomy I&DArthrotomy with exploration and drainage, MP joint26075
Arthrotomy with exploration and drainage, IP joint26080
SynovectomySynovectomy MP joint, includes extensor hood recon26135
Synovectomy IP joint, includes extensor hood recon26140
Teno synovectomySynovectomy tendon sheath, flexor tendon26145
Rhomboid skin flapAdjacent tissue transfer, hands, defect 10 sq cm or less14040
Skin graft FTSGFull thickness skin graft, hands, 20 sq cm or less15240
Moberg or VY FlapAmputation, digit, with local advancement flap26952
Amputation FingerAmputation, digit, any phalanx, with direct closure26951
Ray amputationAmputation, metacarpal (ray) with finger or thumb26910
Nail SurgeryExcision of nail and matrix, partial or complete for permanent removal11750
Biopsy of nail unit11755
Repair of nail bed11760
Nerve sheath tumorExcision of neurilemmoma or NF, cutaneous nerve64788
Excision of neurilemmoma or NF, major peripheral nerve64790
Malignant skin lesionExcision malignant skin lesion, hands, excised diameter 0.6-1.0 cm11621
Excision malignant skin lesion, exc diameter 1.1-2.0 cm11622
MUAManipulation of finger joint under anesthesia, each26340

CPT codes are copyright American Medical Association (AMA). All rights reserved. There should be no expectation that the codes listed on this website are accurate, current, or complete.